So the crazy madness I was talking about last time? It went great! I totally LOVED the cakes!!! It was stressful, but all came out wonderful!
Here's a shout out to Brandon! ¡Felicidades en tu bautizo! Que Dios siempre te acompañe. I love the simple elegance of this cake. The mom picked a simple white on white design w/silver dragees. I guess you can technically eat the dragees, but I don't know anyone who would - they are HARD!!!
Next up - the Lara quinceañera. The mom was so happy with it!!! YEA!!! I hope the quinceañera loved it as much as the mom did. They were an awesome family. Not even a little bit of rain ruined their spirits. They too picked a simple, yet elegant design. The real flowers really make the cake, in my opinion. Congratulations Natalie!!!!!! Espero que se la hayan pasado de lo mejor!!
And finally, a good ol' birthday cake. A sheet cake at that! Ha! I don't think I've done three sheet cakes in a row in a long time. But it serves as yet another example of how a sheet can be something different. Did you see the border? With a simple switch of a decorating tip, it really gives the cake a different look. I like it. I need to practice my soccer ball design! lol!
Oh, dude, I was almost forgetting! I joined the bandwagon and am a Twitter! Follow me at What is Twitter? Pretty much my random, instant cake thoughts. You'll get more instant news. Plus - it's something fun!!!
So, check me out here, on Myspace -, Twitter - and of course, my Web site - No excuses to not know what's going on! lol!!
As always, hit me up for your cakes and take care. Peace out!