Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The crazy madness went GREAT!!! Congrats to all!

So the crazy madness I was talking about last time? It went great! I totally LOVED the cakes!!! It was stressful, but all came out wonderful!

Here's a shout out to Brandon! ¡Felicidades en tu bautizo! Que Dios siempre te acompañe. I love the simple elegance of this cake. The mom picked a simple white on white design w/silver dragees. I guess you can technically eat the dragees, but I don't know anyone who would - they are HARD!!!

Next up - the Lara quinceañera. The mom was so happy with it!!! YEA!!! I hope the quinceañera loved it as much as the mom did. They were an awesome family. Not even a little bit of rain ruined their spirits. They too picked a simple, yet elegant design. The real flowers really make the cake, in my opinion. Congratulations Natalie!!!!!! Espero que se la hayan pasado de lo mejor!!

And finally, a good ol' birthday cake. A sheet cake at that! Ha! I don't think I've done three sheet cakes in a row in a long time. But it serves as yet another example of how a sheet can be something different. Did you see the border? With a simple switch of a decorating tip, it really gives the cake a different look. I like it. I need to practice my soccer ball design! lol!

Oh, dude, I was almost forgetting! I joined the bandwagon and am a Twitter! Follow me at www.twitter.com/kreacioneskity. What is Twitter? Pretty much my random, instant cake thoughts. You'll get more instant news. Plus - it's something fun!!!

So, check me out here, on Myspace - www.myspace.com/kreacioneskity, Twitter - www.twitter.com/kreacioneskity and of course, my Web site - http://www.kreacioneskity.com/. No excuses to not know what's going on! lol!!

As always, hit me up for your cakes and take care. Peace out!

Friday, June 19, 2009

I know when your birthday is, I guess you should know more about me

I held off as much as I could in adding the "About Cristina" section to http://www.kreacioneskity.com/. I've never been a big fan of the section on other sites, but came to fufill the "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" theory. I caved. Then I realized, I should share more about myself and what I believe. I'm a strong believer in supporting causes and businesses that you believe in and the only way people are going to believe in Kreaciones Kity is knowing more about me.

I'm not going to rehash the "About Cristina" section - I'll let you read it for yourself. One thing I don't mention in it is my education. I have a B.A. in Communication and Spanish with a minor in Journalism from Rockhurst University (Go Hawks!). Quite a different step from owning a custom bakery, huh? The passion is the same, though. The ability to visually create something that is going to inform or bring a happiness to someone is a great feeling. Taking a step back to read a finished article or an edible piece of artistry gives me a level of joy and satisfaction like no other.

But so how did I leap from writing B2B articles on agriculture to making cakes? Simple - corporate layoffs. After leaving the agriculture magazine, I took a much needed break to do some soul-searching and figuring out what I wanted my next step to be. I knew I needed to pursue a more creative outlet. Come into play my longtime love of cooking and baking - and ta-dah! Kreaciones Kity is born.

What lies ahead only God knows. I thank Him everyday for what He has given me in this life. He has given me more than I asked for or could have ever imagined. I only hope I am making Him proud. And while only He knows what lies ahead, I am taking the gifts He gave me and making some goals. When I think of what I want to achieve I'm unable to contain the excitement. If I'm able to achieve all my dreams - DUDE, IT'LL BE FREAKIN' AWESOME!!!!

So, there, now you know a little more about me and where I come from. Maybe this will make you more inclined to support Kreaciones Kity. Maybe I just talked about myself for a really long time. Either way - I hope you enjoyed it.

As always, hit me up for your cakes and peace out!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I need some R&R!!

Man, I so need some R&R. I've got another big cake weekend coming up.

I'm about to hit the grocery store to do the shopping and picking up other materials. I'm really excited about the two big cakes of the week - they've got an awesome classic design to them!

Then I have my nephew's b-day and Father's Day - gifts and cakes to worry about! It's all good though.

But DUDE, some awesome news - Jose Fiestas Rental's shop is coming along nicely!!!! It's so great. They'll be located on 9th street in KCMO and it'll pretty much be your one-stop party shop. You'll be able to pick up your tables, chairs, moonwalks, tablecloths, food chafer and other rentals there as well as other party supplies. We're talking ballons, plastic tablecloths, candles - everything! And the awesome thing - I'll in their in-house baker! Yup! You'll get to pick up your custom cakes and cupcakes and even pick up some last minute pastries. Definitely a VERY exciting thing. I haven't gotten around to take photos of the place (combo of no time and camera still messing up), but as soon as I get some, I'll post them.

So yes, it's an exciting time - I'm loving it!

As always, hit me up for those cake orders - peace out!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Last Week's Cakes

What did I say last week? Sheet cakes DO NOT have to be your typical rose and shell border cakes. If that's what you like, than I'm more than happy to do so, but in my experience, most guys aren't big fans of roses. So this is why it's good to mix it up a bit.

Now I know this b-day cake has a shell border, but it's still diffferent! I'm lovin the car! It was perfect! I had just got the mold (remember the cool cake stuff I got? - this is one of the things :), so it was awesome to use it. The other awesome thing about it - it's 100% edible - pure white chocolate! Mmmm.....

Next up - a wedding and groom's cake. The groom LOVED his Raiders cake - it was a complete surprise! Surprises are always great. I love the simplicity of the cake. I think the combination was GREAT! Plus - I love the look of a hexagon cake. So a big congrats to Cyla and Abraham! Much love and I wish you guys the best! (OMG - Cyla looked so pretty! Gorgeous dress!)

What's up for this weekend you ask? CRAZY MADNESS is what! Along with baptism and xv cakes I've got my nephew b-day and Father's Day. Wow, then it's about three weeks for Ruben's big 21 b-day cake. I totally got to finalize the design on that one! It has to be awesome. I've got everything I want to incorporate into it, but I just don't know how I'm gonna do it all. I think I'm gonna have to break some child labor laws and get my niece to help. I'll pay her in cookies or something! lol!!!

I think that's all for now. As always - much love and hit me up for your cakes! Peace out!

Monday, June 8, 2009

A different spin on an old classic

Sheet cakes do not - I repeat - do not have to be your typically shell border with roses! They can be different, but still give you the ease a sheet cake has to offer.

I'll admit they aren't always my favorite - usually because they are harder to make creative! It's a good challenge to have though. Which I think is one of the reasons I really like this graduation cake. It's simple, but effective. I guess that can be said for any cake though. You don't need a huge eleborate design to make a cake look awesome (although if you WANT it - that's a different story :).

As always, it's been a joy. Hit me up for your cakes.

Oh, and I think I'm going to do a cupcake special for Father's Day. Something a little different for Dad.

Friday, June 5, 2009

I pity the fool who doesn't read this! LOL!

So, it's unbelievable how freakin' awesome today has been!

First, I finally got my Mr. T Water War! Yes! Does anybody remember this? We had one when we were kids and I so can't believe that I actually found it on ebay. Nah, I can't believe I was the only bidder! Something is wrong in this world when only one person bids on Mr. T's Water War....ha,ha,ha....

Oh, and I LOVE Canon! So my camera was messin' up (see XV pic). Well, it was a manufacturer defect. They are gonna fix it FREE! Sweet! I love Canon - great product and after nearly five years they still stand behind it!

Other awesome thing of the day - picked up some new cake stuff. Nothing too special, but at a great price. You can't argue with that!

I think I'm gonna hold off on the exercise tonight. I need a day off. But check out Zumba tomorrow at SSA and you'll see me there! It's an even exchange :)

I'll be working on Cheli's cake tonight. I'm excited - as always!

Have a good weekend everyone!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Check it out! Ruben finished the logo!!

Can I just say that I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!? Ruben did an freakin' awesome job!!! I so couldn't ask for something better!

It’s funny I kept asking him if he was done and then he started asking what I wanted on it. He pretty much came up with this on this own. It definitely fits me perfectly! I don’t think I could have asked for something better.

Be ready to see it posted EVERYWHERE! lol!!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Saturday was a great day!

Saturday started great! I hit the 9:30 Zumba class at St. Stephen’s. If you haven’t tried Zumba - you should! Check out www.casadefitness.com.

Cake deliveries were made yesterday. I’ve an order for tomorrow, so I’ll be working on that in a little bit. It’s a graduation cake, so that’ll be great.

I’m still trying to figure out my Father’s Day cake special, so be sure to watch out for that. It’s Sunday, June 21 this year so don’t let it sneak up on you.